On a sunny afternoon in a small North Carolina school nestled in the lush valleys of the Great Smoky Mountains, excited children traded Valentines with care free splendor.

Many faces were radiantly aglow with exuberance and glee as they instinctively tore into the petit envelopes to fish out the card within. These flashy decorated cards were adorned with smiling cupids and messages of friendship and love.

Robbie, a strapping young lad with hair of gold and eyes of emerald was making his rounds giving and recieving the small cards of good tidings. However, his cards were not laviously endorsed with the flying babies with bows and arrows or big flower encased hearts. His cards were merely White, and emblazened with a little yellow halo floating over a red crown and a black "W".

This gave the Valentine a remarkable majestic feeling despite its otherwise simple look. Watching Robbie buzz from friend to friend like a busy bee,the teacher of the class had noticed that he had flew right by certain diverse elements of the class.

Mainly he had avoided all children of color. Kyisha, Antwan and Yuki Han had not recieved any Valentines from the wee lad. Strange indeed to the educator that these "fellow" class mates had been ignored so easily without guilt.

With curiousity banging the teacher's brain, she mosied around the room hoping to get a brief glance at the White Hearted Valentines that were so exclusive. Not seeming to get the advantage as the kids scurried rapidly amongst the room with youthful abandon, she finally called one of her best students to the front of the room.

She had asked Heather to let her have a quick look at the wonderous card. This the child did with overwhelming joy. Suddenly,the teacher's eyes had widened so much that it recieved a chuckle from the little red haired girl that watched her with sapphire eyes. Inside the card subtlely stated:

"I really care for you, so be proud to be White."


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