Why We Indict Christianity So Strongly

From The White Man’s Bible, by Ben Klassen

Creative Credo No. 57

We have used up many pages in our books exposing and debunking Christianity for the fraud that it is. Since so many of our good White Racial Comrades are more or less infected with this fungus on the brain, I have been asked by some of our supporters why I take such a hostile position towards Christianity, which after all has been the principal religion of the White Race for nearly 2000 years. Not only that, but some of our most patriotic citizens, some of our best people, are Christians. Why not just live and let live, and leave the religious issue alone? These are good questions and I am eager to answer them.

1) In the first place, this whole “spooks in the sky” story is a swindle, a lie, as I have exposed page after page. It is based on an emotional and psychological con-game, and in the thousands of years that ghosts, demons, gods and spooks have been used to frighten gullible people into submission, to exploit them and enslave them, not one single shred of meaningful evidence has been produced to substantiate the claim that such supernatural spooks exist. We indict Christianity of promoting this swindle on the White Race.

2) To those people who argue that we can’t prove they don’t exist, we remind them of a fundamental principle of law and evidence, namely, if they make the claim (that spooks exist) the burden of proof is on them, not us.

3) Any time you base any movement, or programme, or creed, on a lie, you are headed for disaster. Until such lie or error is corrected, progress is impossible, and disaster is inevitble. To quote a few examples : If we allow that “all men are created equal” to stand, this lie then spawns a whole network of new lies, all of which seem rational, provided we believe the basic lie. If you believe the basic lie of all men being equal, then you should have no objection to your daughter marrying a Negro, letting all the scum, all the Negroes from Haiti and elsewhere come into the United States, etc. It is similar to the situation if say, in elementary school when your teach ...

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