The Jews And War

When we look at the great wars all over the world one things catches the eye of the student studying the Jewish question. The international financiers of the wars are mostly Jewish. The most notorious of these are the Rothschilds [Anslem, Solomon, Charles James and Nathan Meyer], Schiffs and the Speyers. In the House of Rothschild we have the five war-lords of Europe who financed wars for more than a generation while their dynasty was continued by their successors. Let us closely examine these crimes again humanity which has had no court-hearing.

Thirty Years’ War – Germany [1618-48]
Here we see an old Jewish tactic dividing the Whites into two factions over the silly issue of religion; the Catholics against the Protestants. So successful has this ploy been that the operation was extended to other White states where it is still being used till this day. Who can forget the tragedy of St.Bartholomew`s Day Massacre in France when 50 000 Protestants were murdered. The White traitor Eisenhower then collaborated with the Russian Jews and Stalin to extradite two to three million people from all countries who fought on the Allied side in which is known as “Operation Keelhaul”. These people were shipped back to Russia where Stalin either executed them or send them to their death in Siberia. This war destroyed 65% of the German population and 80% of the buildings and property. Then they wonder why the “goy” dislikes them!

American Civil War – North/South [1861 and 1865]
With the financial and political power created by the White Anglo-Saxons of the South came the power that foreboded a serious threat to the Jewish financial power of the Eastern seaboard. The Jew decided that this power must not only be broken but demolished. What better way then to divide the Whites into two factions, invent some idiotic issue, incite them to war, and have them slaughter each other. The Rotcshilds plunged the country into fracticide by financing both the North and the South with huge loans. Jew Juda P.Benjamin took care of the South while the North was under Jew August Belmont`s spell.

Abraham Lincoln tried to stop the Jewish vengeance by issuing 346 000 000 dollars of interest free national currency known as “greenbacks”. Obviously the Jewish banking houses viewed this with great alarm and had Lincoln assassinated by another Jew whose family name was not ...

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