Tag: Delenda Est Judaica

If You Can’t Hear The Drums Of War You Must Be Deaf

From the mouth of America’s chief Jew …

Henry Kissinger: If You Can’t Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf

Born: Heinz Alfred Kissinger 27 May 1923 Fürth, Bavaria, Germany
Died: 29 November 2023 (aged 100) Kent, Connecticut, U.S.A.

NEW YORK – USA – In a remarkable admission by former Nixon era Secretary of State, Jew Kissinger, reveals what is happening at the moment in the world and particularly the Middle East. [ACCURATE SATIRE]

Speaking from his luxurious Manhattan apartment, the elder statesman, who will be 89 in May, is all too forward with his analysis of the …

About Liberty, Chaos & Organized Society

– By Ben Klassen.

Only in a well-organized White Society, structured for the protection and advancement of the best interests of the White Race, can we hope to survive and prosper – Ben Klassen

In their Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Jews congratulate themselves that they have entrapped and enslaved more unsuspecting goyim with their catchwords of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity than any other concept. They further smirk unto themselves that each one of these words contradicts the others, and that none of these concepts are workable in the real world, yet by throwing them out to the …


If we are to survive in a world gone stark, raving mad, we must sort out our priorities and put them in proper order.

The word triage is of French origin and derives from the word “trier,” meaning to sift, to sort out. It came into prominence during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 when battle casualties were tremendous and the French army medics were hard put in their limited efforts and resources to try to save what they could of the overwhelming number of wounded and dying on the battlefield. Since it was completely impossible to save all the wounded, …

The Debt Swindle

There are two basic points I (Ben Klassen) want to drive home in this article. The first point is that we, the White Race, are being totally enslaved by the JOG. Secondly, nobody can be enslaved unless they willingly cooperate with their slavemasters. Therefore the first step in our liberation is the straightening out of our thinking through a Revolution of Values. Right now, the Jews control the money creating machinery in the U.S. (FED) and all other White countries (Central or Reserve Banks), and it is probably the most powerful and significant weapon of all in the arsenal of …

“Kill The Best First”

“Kill The Best First”

In evaluating the horrible slaughter of White people that history has labeled as World War II, we must carefully keep in mind that this murderous and insane tragedy was basically a Jewish war, instigated by world Jewry, planned by them long in advance, orchestrated by the Kehilla from beginning to the end, and there was only one winner – the Jews. It was not just a war against Germany, but another major step in euchring the White Race to turn on itself and destroy its precious and unique Gene Pool. Indeed, it was for the sole benefit and bloodlust of …

Remember The Alamo – Never Forget Dresden!

Remember The Alamo – Never Forget Dresden!

The mission fortress of the Alamo at the little town of San Antonio de Bejar had been under siege for twelve days. The 6000 man army led by that flamboyant and cruel dictator of Mexico, General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, had taken a heavy toll at the hands of the gallant 182 Texans inside the fort, whereas miraculously the Texans had, at this point, not lost a single man. On the thirteenth day, on the early morning of March 9, 1836, Santa Anna decided to storm the walls. With his buglers playing the famed Moorish March, the “Deguello,” the …

Survival, Expansion And Advancement

These three words are the key words we Creators have in mind in our programme for the salvation, resurrection, and redemption of Nature’s Finest, our precious White Race. The more you think about it, these ideas become so obvious, you are led to wonder why no one has spelled it out before. Yet nowhere else but in the programme of the Church of Creativity have I ever before seen this combination set down in print. Because it is so simple, yet it’s implications so comprehensive, it has also been largely misunderstood by some, and deliberately distorted and misrepresented by our …