Let Us Make Hay While the Sun Still Shines

From Building a Whiter Brighter World, by Ben Klassen

Racial Loyalty Issue 13 – June 1984

There will never be a better time than now for us to get our act together. In the last chapter (C.C. No. 73) of The White Man`s Bible is listed a number of alibis our White Racial Comrades repeatedly put forth in order to avoid, evade, or procrastinate coming to grips with the dire dilemma in which the White Race is now unwittingly embroiled. That the White Race is in a horrible mess and will soon be liquidated as a biological species, of that there is hardly any doubt by any thinking White Man who has studied the situation. That the Jewish establishment is now in a powerful position to destroy the White Race, is fanatically bent on doing so, and is escalating its fury into an ever increasing crescendo, that, too, can hardly be argued. That in Creativity we already have the vehicle, the creed and the programme with which to solve the problem conclusively and with crashing finally, that, too is accepted by most of our supporters. Then what is the problem? The biggest problem we have encountered is the apathy and the alibis people will come up with in lieu of taking militant, meaningful action. In C.C. No. 73 is listed a number of them and also drawn a picture of the consequences if we don’t soon get our act together. The White Race need a dire disaster to strike them before they will wake up. They still have it too good.

Everybody is eating well, nobody is starving, and if they can’t or won’t work, they can always go on welfare and the government will feed them. As long as they have their beer and TV they are beyond reach and won’t listen to any warnings of the impending collapse and disaster. It is after the system has collapsed, when there is hunger and famine, when there is a major race war sweeping the country and blood flowing in the streets, Then, yes then, and only then, will the White Race wake up, see the light and take drastic action to purge the enemy. So th ...

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