A Real Case Against Christianity – Part 4

By Ben Klassen

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What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

Christianity has distanced humanity from nature as people came to perceive God as a singular supremacy detached from the physical world. In Christian eyes, the physical world became the realm of the devil in contrast to a society that had once celebrated nature through seasonal festivals, and were now forced to commemorate biblical events bearing no connection to the earth. Holidays lost much of their celebratory spirit and took on a tone of penance and sorrow, and time, once thought to be cyclical like the seasons, was now perceived to be linear. Because of their rejection of the cyclical nature of life, orthodox Christians came to focus more upon death than upon life and Nature was seen as the realm of the devil. The image of Pan, the Greek god of Nature, was chosen by the Church to portray the devil. The hoofed, goat-legged and horned man had been associated with a number of fertility figures and had previously been deemed essential to rural well-being. It was now used by the Church to fight God in a never ending struggle. Pan’s skill on the pan-pipes was believed to fill the woods and pastures with enchanted music, hence the distorted Christian view that the devil was the “angel of music”. After the turn of the millennium when the Church authorized specific portrayals of the devil, the vilified Pan came to evoke terror or “panic” as the image of satan. The perceived separation of nature from God affected the treatment of animals and they were often thought to be agents of the devil. The frightening belief in werewolves were also spread by the Inquisition.

Lewis Regenstein writes in his 1991 book “Replenish the Earth” the following, “In the ten centuries preceding the present one, there are accounts of the trials, torture and execution (often by hanging) of hundreds of animals, mainly by ecclesiastical courts acting under the assumption that animals can be used by the devil to do his work”. Another cruel practice which continued throughout the centuries of witch-hunting, was the burning of cats together with witches – this became official policy in 1484 under Pope Innocent VIII. Zealous Christians most frequently targeted cats, wolves, snakes, foxes, chickens and white cocks as animals to be eliminated, and since many of these animals  ...

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