Rev. Ken Molyneaux

My Awakening
By Reverend Kenneth Molyneaux

During my high school days, I became racially aware as I noticed the vast differences between Whites and Negroes.
I realized that I preferred my own Race while abhorring the obnoxious behavior and stupidity of the inferior blacks. My high school was mostly White but there was a large population of blacks so that I could see first hand that the notion of equality was simply a fairy tale. Being in honor and AP classes, I saw first hand the superiority of the White Race as my classes were overwhelmingly White.

During this time, I became extremely interested in National Socialism and considered myself a Nazi although I wasn’t a part of any group. Since I only saw the problem of the Negro beasts, I thought that the White Race’s only problem was the blacks. I was totally oblivious to the Jewish problem as I didn’t know any Jews during my high school days nor did I read anything critical of them.

After I graduated high school, I proceeded to go to a local college where I was instantly barraged with multiculturalism and forced to read books sympathizing with the Jews in the “Holocaust.” I still wasn’t aware of the Jewish influence behind such propaganda though. College life came to bore me and I ceased going after almost a year.

The years in high school and college were somewhat gloomy for me as I was extremely pessimistic about life and didn’t see anything positive happening to the world. I wasn’t motivated to accomplish much of anything and generally stagnated for several years after college. I was unproductive and generally just drifting along until I managed to get online.

Getting on the internet was a breath of fresh air as I found a lot of information and many comrades who believed how I did. I learned of the Jews and much more about Race than I had ever known before. The most informative site I found, of course, was the World Church of the Creator site.

While I had some friends who were racist, they weren’t as racist as I was and would never act upon their instincts. Due to this, it was comforting finding White Racial Comrades online that felt as strongly as I did. I felt as though I wasn’t alone in the world and part of something bigger.

I decided that I had to contribute to the White Race in some way so I researched various organizations. For years I had had a disdain for Christianity, so the Klan and other Christian groups were marked off my list. I narrowed it down to two groups that seemed pretty similar to me at the time–the World Church of the Creator and the National Alliance. I initially chose the Church simply because dues were far cheaper but I realized later that I had made the right choice.

Even after joining the Church, I was still not productive and was as pessimistic as ever even though I had found others like me and was contributing in some way to our people. All this changed, however, when I finally decided to purchase the Holy Books of Creativity.

The reading of the Holy Books was the most important event in my life and completely turned my life around.

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